
31 January, 2022

HTW completes study on transmission of Covid-19 from vaccinated people

A rapid review by HTW researchers exploring the risk of Covid-19 transmission from people vaccinated against the virus has been published.

HTW carried out the rapid review of evidence on the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 from vaccinated people to unvaccinated or vaccinated people on behalf of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre (WCEC).

HTW is a Collaborating Partner within the, The WCEC which  rapidly reviews UK-wide and international research evidence to support decision making by stakeholders involved in health and social care policy and practice in Wales. HTW is a Collaborating Partner of the centre which is funded by Welsh Government thorough Health and Care Research Wales and is hosted by Cardiff University.

HTW’s research explored 35 studies on the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 from vaccinated people to unvaccinated or vaccinated people, all of which were published in 2021.

Overall, the research showed that the effectiveness of vaccination in reducing transmission appears to be higher in fully vaccinated individuals, compared with those who have been partially vaccinated.

However, as most studies focused on the Alpha variant, with a relative lack of evidence on the transmission of the Delta or Omicron variants and settings other than households, the review concluded that other preventative measures to reduce transmission may still be required.

Read the rapid review on Covid-19 transmission risk from vaccinated people here.